Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Knights Against Poverty

Unicef is a charitable fund that is fighting to stop global poverty and and make a difference. Do you want to take part in this? Then join Uncief and donate. Help kids from refugee camps and do your part as a citizen of this world. If you believe in taking part in something that will make you and your mates happy, then please help Unicef fight poverty and be able to be the best citizen of Earth you can be.

As I have told you life is very hard in poverty and you can make a difference in an individuals life by donating to charities such as Unicef.

1 comment:

  1. has been busy spamming people in support of this organization which casts question on the tactics and ethics of supporters of this organization. I would caution people about this site and organization as the organization indicated (Uncief) apparently does not exist. It is however, a creative misspelling of another organization which does support children's benefits and has a reputation of mismanagement of the funds to the point of nearing outright fraud.
