Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Knights Against Poverty

Unicef is a charitable fund that is fighting to stop global poverty and and make a difference. Do you want to take part in this? Then join Uncief and donate. Help kids from refugee camps and do your part as a citizen of this world. If you believe in taking part in something that will make you and your mates happy, then please help Unicef fight poverty and be able to be the best citizen of Earth you can be.

As I have told you life is very hard in poverty and you can make a difference in an individuals life by donating to charities such as Unicef.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting Started with this Thing

Is this what we will let them fall into?
Hello Visitors

Are you a citizen that is concerned with things such as poverty and such? Well if you are ou have reached the right place to help. As you know, poverty is a global problem and something really needs to be done to put an end to it! Are you concerned about this global situation well you have really reached the right place!

This blog is to get people aware of the global issues around the world and the one we are working on on spreading realization this year is poverty.

Poverty is a demon that the Knight against Poverty is trying to conquer.

So if you are another concerned citizen then please tell you friends about Knights against Poverty and spread the word.

Best Regards for Summer

Siddhartha Goutam

Hello Visitor,

Welcome to Knights Fight Poverty. We are an association that raise funds for those people out there that are less fortunate. We raise money for charitable organizations ans such. This year we are donating to Unicef. If you dont know, Unicef is a chritable organisation that has been going since 1946. So we are trying to raise as much funds we can this year to help this charitable organization.

As you know, there are many less fortunate people these days and need your help. So please donate some change and feed a child who is hungry and needs your help. Please subscibe to this blog. All subsciptions are sent to Unicef. We can see what a monster poverty is but you can ake a difference in a childs life.
Please subscibe now and make a difference.
Best Regards for Summer
Siddhartha Goutam

Hello Visitors: